Our company sources its salmon and trout roe locally in Australian states of Victoria and Tasmania The process of caviar manufacturing is complex and time consuming and requires a substantial time investment and professional knowledge before this great delicacy can reach consumers. We manufacture caviar according to traditional Russian recipes following all sanitary and taste requirements. Our caviar is exposed to a pasteurisation process which in turn provides for a long shelf life. We do not use artificial preservatives throughout caviar manufacturing process. Artificial preservatives are stored in all kind of tissues within our body, including liver and typically are not removed from a human body. Artificial preservatives are stored over time and will eventually begin to affect our defense response to illnesses and our immunity overall. Artificial preservatives may be especially destructive to a human liver, kidneys and nervous system and may provoke severe health conditions such as cancer.   Deluxe Caviar is Certified Kosher Caviar producer of Red Caviar only. Our product is pasteurized and processed at our Prime Safe Certified License No W00356 and independently Audited by SGS facility in Vic Melbourne and .   Deluxe Caviar this is a family owned business in which play an important part all family members.
  • Luba – food technologist with a substantial experience spanning more than 20 years of industry related work. Luba’s role in the manufacturing of the caviar is the most important. Luba is involved in the process of production of caviar, control and compliance with all the sanitary and technological requirements. Supervising a step by step recipe and manufacturing process and getting the caviar to a ready to consume stage as a nutritious and a great tasting delicacy.
  • Valentina – Bachelor of Business and Commerce specialising in International Business. Valentina’s role in the company is also important. Valentina organises the company’s administrative day to day functionalities which include liaising with suppliers and customers, marketing, product certifications
  • Alexander – also engages with suppliers and customers and assists with administrative duties
  • Valentin- Building Engineer, Valentin’s workmanship and professional knowledge have assisted in creating the premises for our dream family business of caviar manufacturing. Valentin also takes part in organising and running of the business.
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